Global Bible
Reaching the World with the Word of God.
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7000 LanguagesIn the World Today. | 1600 LanguagesHave no Bible Translation. | 5 Billion PeopleDo Not Own a Bible. |
1.2 BillionPeople Cannot Read The Bible in Their Language. | Will You JoinOur Efforts to Reach the World with the Word of God. | Just $6Will Place a Bible in the Hands of One in Need. |
Just $35Will Translate a Bible Verse Into a New Language. | Just $40Will Provide an Audio Bible for those Who Can't Read. | Just $50Will Provide 4 Million Online Bibles. |
Just ImagineEveryone having the Opportunity to Read the Bible. | Your PrayersAnd Gifts Will Change Lives for Generations to Come. | To GiveClick on the Donate Button at the Bottom of the Page. |
Thank YouFor Ending Bible Poverty in the World. |
Global Bible
Home of the King James Bible
The Authorized Version
Join Us As Together We Reach the World with The Word of God